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Review of LIVE 34 by DanDunn

17 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

We have LIVE 34 and one of the most ingenious stories Big Finish has ever come up with. A prime example of early Big Finish’s experimental nature as the entire story is presented as a news broadcast on an Earth colony world that has fallen into a benign dictatorship through corruption and faked terrorism. And over the course of the broadcast the Doctor and friends show up in the background from various stories and features as they try to organise a revolution in order to expose the government. It’s one of the most intense and confrontational Doctor Who stories I’ve ever come across that doesn’t sugarcoat its real-world parallels whilst tearing apart it’s news channel counterpart that it’s parodying. The only issue I and a lot of fans had a problem with is the ending does wrap itself up a bit too easily with what devolves into 25 minutes of heavy-handed exposition. The direction LIVE 34 was going in with it’s nasty and depressing depiction of a society under a corrupted dictatorship, I feel there was a much cleverer ending we could’ve got rather than resort to Doctor Who’s usual quick fix scenario. Aside from that though this is a highly recommended listen.


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