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Review of Let’s Kill Hitler by WhoPotterVian

21 June 2024

Let's Kill Hitler. Those three words are not necessarily what you would expect a Doctor Who episode to be called so it is a surprise they decided to call it that, although I suspect it was more to grab the attention of the media rather than a title picked because it suited the episode.

The title is very misleading and many quite rightly felt disappointed by it. Personally, I didn't; whilst I liked the idea of an episode set in the past with an evil dictator as the 'historical celebrity' it was never a necessity for me that this episode featured Hitler (Albert Welling) much. It is more focused on the origins of River Song (Alex Kingston) and the Teslecta's (various) attempt to take her down due to their knowledge of her killing the Doctor (Matt Smith). This in my view is a much more interesting story to tell than Mel (Nina Toussaint-White, later River) trying to kill Hitler even if at this point River Song is becoming more of an annoying character than one that's enjoyable to watch. She's a lot more bearable here than in other series six stories though and the episode overall is a lot of fun to watch. This is definitely on the lighter spectrum of Doctor Who episodes, especially when you have a scene where Rory (Arthur Darvill) shoves Hitler in a cupboard.

The best thing about this story is by far the set design. It looks perfect and probably one of the best recreations the show has had to a particular past period so far. You get a strong sense of world-building and character from the look of Hitler's office alone. You can tell the designers spent a lot of time designing the set of this one. Even the outdoor scenes look like the cast and crew have time travelled back to World War 2.

Albert Welling is very convincing as Hitler and it would have been great to have seen a lot more of him. Again, I thought the story focused on a more interesting point but it would have been fun to have seen the Doctor forced to team up with Hitler (or something along those lines). Alex Kingston is perfect as a newly-regenerated River too, although Nina Toussaint-White felt a bit flat at Mels. The main cast are great as always but Arthur Darvill in particular really shines here. He has brilliant comedic timing in this episode, especially near the beginning with Hitler. 'Shut up, Hitler' has to be my favourite line from the episode.

Overall, Let's Kill Hitler is a great episode that unfortunately suffers from a misleading title and an underused Albert Welling.


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