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Review of Let’s Kill Hitler by 15thDoctor

23 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Mels / Melody / River is a fascinating concept. Hilarious to build her into Amy and Rory’s lives. Very nice to see young Amelia again. I’ve missed her.

But the flirtation and one note portrayal of women in Moffat’s Doctor Who is just so tiresome. He is such a talented writer, why does he fall into the same avoidable trap with such regularity? And I’m a bit over Alex Kingston at this point, but that might be because of the characterisation. “I’m focusing on a dress size.” “I need to weigh myself.” Really? Matt Smith is so funny. The rest of the cast is a shimmering delight.

The Amy and Rory stuff is very sweet. The Tesselector is a sweet idea, Doctor Who’s answer to The Numbskulls - and beautifully pulled off. Forget Gangers - its Tesselectors now! Probably more Doctor Who-ish anyway. I like the little robots that act as its killer defence mechanism “please relax while we terminate your existence”.

For a second episode in a row there are tonnes and tonnes of great ideas in play, but a lack of focus. I’d rather have less ideas and a chance to flesh these out a bit. Putting Hitler in a minor comedy role is tasteless and doesn’t add enough to the plot to justify its inclusion, for example.

All the broad plot points are right. Moffat does a good job of not stringing River’s story out too long. We now have the basic shape that everything else fits into, and that feels like a good reward for all the time invested since Silence in the Library. This series he continues just about getting away with it.


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