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Review of Kippers by PexLives

9 July 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Though I’d still give this story a generally positive rating, my overall impression is one of disappointment. The second doctor is my favorite doctor from the classic series, and I just think it’s very frustrating seeing 2 finally get his own Big Finish range, only for it to be extremely underwhelming and the last thing I really want to hear from Big Finish. On an individual story basis, there’s not one episode from this range that I dislike, in fact Kippers is probably my least favorite so far and it was still fine I thought. But with each passing boxset it’s more and more apparent that they’re taking this into a much more serialized direction that explores more serious threats as well as Gallifreyan society. The episode lengths are closer to the modern series, but despite that we’re still reusing Jamie, and soon to be Zoe, both companions I would’ve rather left alone. Especially since seeing an old version of Jamie and/or Zoe with their memories back is such a cliche (The World Shapers, Last of the Cybermen, Legend of the Cybermen, Tales of the TARDIS). And yet the new characters we do get are characters like Paul and Raven, who are so camp and ridiculous I don’t know how the hell Nick Briggs wants me to ever care about them. Especially with the long gap between releases.

Raven specifically I just do not like at all. She seems to be a sort of Veklin type but without any of the nuances found in that character. She works for the CIA and sends the Doctor on missions, and where we previously thought she was just a scheming evil Time Lord, Kippers reveals she’s just as in the dark about the CIA’s intentions with the Doctor. This is not a revelation I care about because the only thing we really learn is that Raven isnt the big bad, but she’s still a stereotypical baddie and she’s clearly going to be a staple of this range long term, which is extremely disappointing. I heard Nick talking about how much he and Mark love this character, and I just have to ask… why? Does no one at Big Finish care enough to tell Nick he completely misunderstands the appeal of his self proclaimed favorite Doctor? Or that his bland original characters don’t work? The best story of the range BY FAR has been Wrath of the Ice Warriors, because it’s a two hour story where 2 faces the ice warriors, and for the most part it’s very self contained. Two box sets later and I’m very concerned we won’t get another story like that in this range for a long time.

Kippers specifically is decent. While Raven’s more or less fulfilling the companion role in this episode, I’m glad she killed off the shroud, and I think Michael Troughton is getting better and better as 2. The “what could’ve killed these time lords” trope is another cliche I really just can’t stand, and the last thing I want is a second Doctor story set on Gallifrey. Despite this, I’m intrigued at the monsters in this episode, and it makes me happy that this arc is starting to move a little.

Season 6B is not that interesting to me a concept, and THIS isn’t close at all to what I imagine when watching The War Games. It’s very weird that this is the direction we’re going. This story doesn’t resemble the second Doctor era at all, and because of that I’m disappointed.


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