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19 June 2024
This review contains spoilers!
Mara - cool design, wish i had watched this episode before legend of ruby sunday!
Kinda - probably an insensitive portrayal of 'tribal' people/'savages'. they discussed them being scientifically advanced with the double helix but that was not super touched upon. i think a lot more time should have been spent with them, learning their culture and history so that we could understand the mirrors better, the mara better, and their cycles of time - because all that felt very thrown in at the last part of the story
Nyssa - strange to completely write out nyssa. i like the scientist woman, Todd, she was pretty cool and interesting, but why not have nyssa play her role really? but she was definitely the main person filling the companion role in this story.
Tegan - it felt like we barely saw tegan as well, the doctor just left her like that in the woods for 2 days!! what the f**k?? it will be interesting to see how the mara coming back in future episodes relates to her
Adric - adric again sees ooc from his s18/castrovalva characterisation.
i dont know, nothing here really did it for me at all
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