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Review of Kill God by MrColdStream

27 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

"Kill God: Action, Morality, and Temporal Chaos"

Kill God takes an intense, action-driven approach as the War Doctor embarks on a desperate mission to banish the godlike Cyclors, intent on preventing their genocidal rampage. The Cyclors, in turn, unleash their overwhelming power to obliterate any opposition, creating a high-stakes confrontation. Amid the chaos, Alice plays a pivotal role, standing as the voice of reason and attempting to stop the Doctor from carrying out his grim plan.

One of the issue’s standout moments is the harrowing depiction of a humanoid Overcaste’s transformation into a Volatix Cabal Dalek. This graphic and unsettling scene reinforces the Cabal’s chilling uniqueness as a twisted, memorable variant of the classic Daleks.

The climactic action is gripping, with the Master scheming his escape while Alice harnesses the Psilent Songbox to banish the Cyclors. Her actions trigger a massive temporal paradox meltdown, adding a layer of catastrophic unpredictability to the narrative.

📝Verdict: 8/10

With its blend of high-octane action, moral dilemmas, and time-twisting consequences, Kill God delivers a memorable chapter that pushes its characters to their limits and keeps the tension crackling throughout.


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