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Review of Kill God by JayPea

19 December 2024

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Again, just more great time war stuff. Alice stealing the box to stop War using it is great, and then the fact she uses it to save the doctor (at least from breaking his morals).

War and Squire saving Alice at the last minute before she's killed by the Volatix Cabal member is great. Everything about that member is great to be fair, the way it peels itself from the flesh of the person it was inhabiting is just, wow, the art is horrifying.

The 'Gods' almost don't really do all that much in this story which is a shame, almost acting as more of a 'stage hazard' than an enemy to face, at least in this story.

But lastly The War Child is delightful. The opening where he talks about how you can kill anything in the time war is great, and his trying to run away in his own TARDIS, but creating a paradox by doing so is just great comeuppance for him, and funny with his previously mentioned love of paradoxes.



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