Review of Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Callandor
30 August 2024
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Tardis Tantrum
Prerequisites: There are references to The Impossible Girl arc, which requires the previous bits of Series 7 to follow.
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS plainly just had a lot of potential. Put shortly, the concept is simply fantastic. Having a companion lost in the center of a malfunctioning Tardis as the Doctor tries to rescue them is a great idea! Unfortunately, Steve Thompson failed to really follow through on this potential. To be fair, there are some good bits here. I quite liked seeing all the different Tardis rooms, and the scene between her and 11 as he confronts her about her mysterious origins is great. However, those are really the only two bright spots in this entire episode. For one thing, the side characters are all just... insufferable. They're poorly acted, poorly written, and frankly some of the stupidest Who side cast I've ever seen. Seriously, the one brother's refusal to give up that egg (even at the blatant cost of his brother's life) actively took me out of the episode. Plus, despite the fun glimpses into various rooms, most of what we see is just... hallways. I get that this probably cut down on the budget, but I'm of the rather firm opinion that if you can't do an idea justice, either don't attempt it or do it another way. This did neither, and watching the Doctor and Clara run through hallways gets old after a while. Finally, it's silly that the story's events got erased. Not only does this cheapen the cool confrontation between 11 and Clara, but it makes watching this episode feel pointless. Overall, this is a pretty deeply flawed episode, but even still I didn't actively hate my time watching it. It just doesn't hold up under any critical thought.

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