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Review of It Takes You Away by MarkOfGilead19

17 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

The horror vibes are pretty on point here. The lonely house in the forest with the lake behind... The mystery is gripping and the antizone is pretty cool. I especially loved the Doctor reassuring the little girl while writing on the wall a cold and devastating albeit rational message for her companions.

The thing that I didn't love is the discussion between the Doctor and the frog at the end. I was expecting it to be more whimsical and philosophical but no, it ended being quite shallow. At least the Doctor made friends with a conscious universe I guess...

This is the top 2 episode for the season, behind Demons of the Punjab. The next episode is a bit meh so I'll leave my thoughts on this season here. I actually have enjoyed it quite a lot, this rewatch has made like a lot more the 13th Doctor and Jodie as an actress, I like the fact that her incarnation is the most hopeful and loving Doctor of all, although she can be a badass when the moment calls for it.


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