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Review of Inseparable by teslapunk3327

19 February 2025

This audio is such a good insight into Yvonne and Tommy, I already love it so much. The interviews towards the end highlight how this story can leave you with multiple interpretations of the character dynamics.

I won't spoil too much of the plot, but the actual circumstances bordered on psychological horror, with plenty body horror accompanying it. Some scenes are quite nightmarish, in a beautifully Lovecraftian way. And Tommy offering to momentarily comfort Yvonne from the horrors was a highlight scene for me, personally.

With it being a Valentines Day-orientated audio, I can't express how well this audio also portrays Yvonne's perception of love, to the point I honestly think her character is aroace. When there are so many Torchwood ships, pairings, and couples, it is a bit refreshing to see a character who is more solitary, and who despises any expression of vulnerability. It's lovely seeing that representation, and I found myself personally agreeing on Yvonne's remarks towards how she views love.

However, the true beauty of "Inseparable" is that my interpretation of Yvonne being aroace will not resonate with some listeners, and listeners will be able to come to their own conclusions about the character dynamics, as evident with the ending interviews. 

I adore these two characters immensely, and this audio further demonstrates how beautifully complex they can be, and it's great to see Tommy's character gaining more recognition in the main range audios, beyond the TW1 boxsets.♥️


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