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Review of Inflicting Christmas by JayPea

21 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

What if we took the end of The Lie of the Land, the end of The Idiot's Lantern, a Star Trek Holo Deck, and the movie Frozen, and put them all together? Apparently you get a pretty solid story.

Off the bat, the setting here is pretty interesting and fun, future tech expo with a famous mysterious inventor with a huge crowd following. Then using holo tech to show off the inventor's old house, it reminded me a lot of Iron Man's first scene in Civil War.

The story is pretty fun, getting glimpses into the inventor's head, and Twelve and Bill's banter, but when the inventor's son gets the tech and uses it to create a winter wonderland is where things really start going. The scene with the son and Bill is the standout here, Bill talking about memories of her mum and how she'd give up all those good memories for another day with her. It's a great character exploration for Bill, and her talking about reconciling with his mum works great in a way that it doesn't in The Idiot's Lantern because of that context, and because of her pointed remark towards the inventor as well.

They've both made mistakes, they both need to work on it, and that's the main point, not that 'she's your mum', but that family relationships are important, and everyone deserves respect and communication in them.



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