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Review of I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by dema1020

3 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Blood on Santa's Claw & Other Stories is quite a baffling listen. On balance, I think this is my favourite story of the set, even if it definitely works largely as set-up for part four, at least the set-up is compelling. It's also Christmas themed, which feels appropriate given the theme and nature of the story. I like the use of music and special effects in I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, they nicely match the holiday themes, and give life to the idea of this being a perpetual Christmas party.

After Joe comes across as an absolute dud of a companion that appeared out of nowhere, we get a much better sense of him here and I started to really enjoy his big confrontation with Peri. They have a pretty tense conversation I found really interesting that challenged her character in a pretty intense way. My particular favourite of this is just the Doctor being the Doctor, puzzling his way through the story and having some great banter with what turns out to be the villain of the next chapter. The ending was fun even if it was equally goofy.