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Review of Hunters of Earth by hallieday

26 December 2024

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The First Doctor #30

'Hunters of Earth' (2013) from Destiny of the Doctor.

A pretty great pre-Unearthly story here. Once again nice to see Susan interacting with school peers, and Cedric is a good little character that she spends time with. The contemporary stuff like radios and music discussion is fun and makes it all feel rather grounded. I like The Doctor stealing parts for the TARDIS and how that links in to the rest of the story. Very glad to have another story that focuses on Susan's telepathy, and it's quite present here, with her mind being stronger than others so as to avoid succumbing to radio wave possession, and she even momentarily extends her powers beyond herself to weaken said signal on others. Quite a nice almost superhero-like moment. I especially enjoyed how the villain is incredibly vague, as it's only the first part of an eleven part series. It'll be cool to experience the rest of the story over a very long period of time as I go through all of the Doctors over years and years.


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