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4 August 2024
This review contains spoilers!
This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.
Previous Story: The Cradle of the Snake
As someone who isn't always a fan of the Sontarans, I was pleasantly surprised by this story. When the Sontarans are played straight, they're usually quite boring. The idea of a militaristic clone race is a cool concept but the Sontarans themselves are ultimately just silly. That's why they work really well in comedies.
And a comedy this story is, instead of the usual team of angry and serious Sontarans we get a band of misfits who are unknowingly being sacrificed to end a curse. This team of Sontarans manages to be so unique, each member is disinct despite being clones and their dynamics with both each other and the TARDIS crew are really fun to hear.
Speaking about the TARDIS team, this is a very enjoyable outing for them and they each get time to shine;
Overall, this is an otherwise unremarkable story elevated by it's excellent use of the Sontarans and a generally fun atmosphere. It's an inoffensive, comedic romp and one that I thoroughly enjoyed for the whole two hours.
Next Story: Kiss of Death
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