Review of Full Circle by dema1020
29 January 2025
This review contains spoilers!
Full Circle and the E-Space trilogy don't exactly have the best reputation. After all, this season is generally viewed as what drove Tom Baker to leave the role after so many years excelling at it. And the E-Space trilogy does away with Romana II, one of the best companions in Doctor Who history.
Yet I had more fun with Full Circle than I didn't. From details like K9 getting blown up in a way I found surprisingly effective in raising the stakes, to the novel and unique setting of E-Space and the Starliner. Adric is introduced here and he's great. This is easily the best Adric story I've encountered so far. His character feels well-rounded and a loot less abrasive than he was in the Fifth Doctor era. I can see how and why Adric was made into a companion in Full Circle, which does kind of make his later appearances all the more disappointing as the young man becomes little more than a source of complaints for and about the Doctor.
Where the story gets weaker is around the special effects (I didn't like the look of the marshman) and pacing. Full Circle is entertaining enough at first but after a while it feels like Romana doesn't have anything interesting to do, falling into the role of a generic companion surviving a horror scenario when her character always felt like it was capable of much more than that. Meanwhile, the plot sort of fizzles out rather than going in any satisfying direction. The Starliner is fun and offers come cool concepts but they never really get fleshed out. The story is not great, overall, thanks to these weaknesses, but it was not terrible, either, resulting in a pretty easy watch.

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