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Review of Full Circle by 15thDoctor

8 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

The first part of Full Circle does a marvelous job of introducing Adric. Based on what I’ve seen from him so far he seems like a well rounded and entertaining character (not quite understanding any negativity towards him yet). It’s a nice surprise to see them build up this character without The Doctor and Romana in focus, allowing you to get to know him properly. The death of his brother is a memorable and surprisingly emotional moment for a show that often avoids delving into emotions too deeply.

The plot moves along at a good pace and I was invested in the various factions we found on this new planet and the mystery surrounding why the TARDIS thinks they are on Gallifrey (it will be interesting to see where this E-Space thread takes us next). I like that Adric is trying to help Romana but because of the people around him he continually is put in situations which put her at peril. The lack of cosy relationship between The Doctor and anyone within the society he is surrounded by also creates a continually, interesting conflict. The TARDIS team is split up for most of this adventure and it serves the story well.

Space spiders hatching from watermelons must be one of the most delightful visuals the show has ever delivered up - it feels very inventive, very Doctor Who. I genuinely jumped in my seat when one hatched into Romana’s face - an affecting and jolting cliffhanger - one of the best we’ve ever had. It is satisfying when The Doctor uncovers the decider’s grand conspiracy. Efforts to fix the spaceship will go on indefinitely, not because the ship is not good to fly, but because no-one actually knows how to fly it. They do not want the public to be disheartened by this information. With a little nudge from The Doctor they eventually make the right decision.

With a little added humour and some of the formal tones taken from the show, I think this is another which would be considered a classic. As it is, it's the best season 18 has had to offer so far. The biggest surprise that it packed in the end is that The Doctor and Romana do not leave in the TARDIS with Adric - I didn’t expect that for a second!


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