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Review of Frozen Beauty by teslapunk3327

3 March 2025

This story reminded me of Aliens (1986), with a woman trapped in cryo-stasis, and the Wirrn acting as a parallel to the facehuggers (ovamorphs), which is a great sign.

Sleeping Beauty was always the fairy tale I adored the most, and creating a sci-fi retelling like this is stunning. The threat of Maleficent is dropped, and instead replaced with not only the Wirrn but the "Final Frontier", demonstrating how space-travel can be just as unforgiving as any other monster or beast. This story does a fantastic job at describing the empty vastness of Space, a sort of horror that rarely gets explored in the main show...


And rather than having Sleeping Beauty be a Princess, it's so delightfully meaningful having her instead be a Captain of an interstellar ship, and the awakening final kiss not being sexual/romantic in nature.

Considering the dark origins of Sleeping Beauty (the version as told by Giambattista Basile in 1634), this Whoniverse adaption is a welcome progression, and one I love dearly ♥️


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