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Review of Frontier in Space by mylowpolygon

15 September 2024

This review contains spoilers!

My review from 05/01/2022


The main aspect of the story I noticed is the ambition of it. In a way its like a mini Doctor Who Flux hopping around from place to place with an overarching story. The story mainly acts as a piece of world building where the doctor navigates a politically unstable landscape, trying to prevent a terrible war. The story is very noticeably cynical on authority whether its the facist leaning ideology of General Williams or the sexist traditions of the Draconian court. Because the serial spends a lot of the time in exploring the world it, does drag quite a bit. Jo Grant also barely gets anything to do and could easily be removed from the story without any impacts. Despite this Pertwee and Delgado are in top form and the final cliffhangers is probably one of the best in the shows history.


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