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Review of Frontier in Space by dema1020

20 June 2024

I was thoroughly impressed by Frontier in Space, a pleasant surprise after barely sitting through the vaguely similar Colony in Space. This was a lot of fun with a bunch of memorable characters and set pieces. What really stands out about Frontier to me is that each episode feels like its own thing. There's one where the doctor is stuck in a prison on the moon, another on a cargo ship, another on Draconia - they all feel really distinct and helped keep the serial interesting to me. I also like the characters, especially on the Draconian side as they felt like well-developed individuals to me (and even the humans weren't too bad).  The dynamic of Jo and the Doctor getting stuck between these two competing forces worked well for me too. The fun doesn't change when the Master shows up, and Delgado's final appearance before he tragically died makes this story special in its own little way.

Some of the Draconian costumes were a little sweaty but looked good, as did most of the sets. The Daleks feel a little unnecessary given they are about to get their own story, but I guess we are leading into that a bit. Little choices like that hold back an otherwise near-perfect experience, but overall I had a great time and would absolutely recommend this one.


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