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Review of Four to Doomsday by lizshaw

19 June 2024

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idk pretty mid. adric is written very strangely in this, all of a sudden an instant anti-democracy sympathiser and sexist which he had never been in other episodes?? i hope this does not continue in his character going forward. the idea of the four different earthlings with different cultures and times is neat but it's not very explored. it's really sick that tegan can speak tiwi though that's a sick character detail and i'm really glad janet fielding pressed for that instead of random tribal noises or some weirdness. the villains never feel very threatening at all, but also are going to graphically execute the doctor it is such an escalation from what they do the rest of the time. obviously planning to kill all people on earth to repopulate it or take its cobalt is very evil - but that is villainy we are told and not shown. actually that is a problem with a lot of this serial - like bigon just tells doctor mostly everything, instead of the doctor having to work it out


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