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Review of Four to Doomsday by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This story shows how three companions can be put to excellent use. The way in which Adric is so easily indoctrinated, while Tegan tries everything to escape adds to the drama and unpredictability of the story. It’s amazing seeing how little control The Fifth Doctor has over his TARDIS team and how he can lose his temper with them - interesting new facets to the character. The ambiguity of the menace and the fact they are not overtly aggressive towards our TARDIS team only adds to that drama.

Peter Davison feels like The Doctor in this story. He has arrived and I am loving his performance.

This story has an amazing concept. Humans from throughout time, from many cultures end up on a spaceship run by seemingly non-hostile aliens who seem to want to get along. But The Doctor has an uneasy feeling. The green aliens create humanoid versions of themselves based off of Tegan’s drawings as part of a plan to head to Earth to resettle, and the human population with androids.

Watching the doctor and Tegan “enjoy” the on board cultural entertainment whilst worrying where Adric and Nyssa are is hilarious. This story is packed for of sparky details like that. This story looks and feels more exciting than any we’ve had in ages. The show feels invigorated.


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