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Review of Four Doctors by RandomJoke

28 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Cornell is easily one of my favorite Writers in the World of Who, so it was no surprise that I really was excited to get around to this one and well..


It's a perfectly fun Multi-Doctor Story. Cornell gets them all right, the Dialogue feels very natural for all of them. And I must admit I really enjoyed the Conflict between 12 and 10. There are a lot of lovely References to the Past, which I enjoyed quite a lot. The Alternative Version of the Doctors are fun and the Outro with 9 is lovely! And of course the Plot is just so much fun, really I am not sure how to better describe than: "Fun" and this is meant as a Compliment. Cornell knows *exactly* what kind of Story he is writing here, and it's a blast!

As for the Things outside the Story.. well the Art is uhh.. fine I guess? You see who is who, but honestly it's nothing spectacular. I wish the Action Scenes were drawn with more impact, which.. well felt lackluster at times. A Comic lives and dies at times with its Art, so this does bring down the Comic for me a little.

I might be a bit of bias because I love Multi Doctor Stories, but this was just so much fun!


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