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Review of Four Doctors by InterstellarCas

11 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

I thought Four Doctors was fine, not my favorite out of the comics I’ve read but enjoyable. I got a kick out the inter-Doctor interactions, but they quickly became a little grating. I found that the interactions between the companions (Clara, Gabby, and Alice were all excellent choices) to be far more compelling. Similarly to what others have said, the plot ends up very convoluted by the end (I love a Weeping Angel as much as the next guy, but really? It felt a little gimmicky as a time travel “device”). The strongest parts of the comic to me have little to actually do with the Doctors. I will admit though, I thought the Dalek Bomb was a cool concept and with a little tweaking it could have been perfect, the idea of impactful moments where the wrong choice was made that spurred a domino effect always interests me. And that ending, I will always be a sucker for Nine.


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