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Review of For The Hell Of It! by JayPea

3 March 2025

More actual location shooting, hooray!

The giant arrows on screen to point to the obvious CGI is hillarious, and the continued use of the same shots is just really funny.

There's an attempt to add a sense of danger talking about drugs, protitution, and murder, but it's all talked about in Bagg's same monotone voice. The same monotone voice that persists when he's been captured, and his physical acting is just as bad, if not worse. The moment where he says 'Josh has invited me to his gaff, presumably to do drugs' mad me laughing out loud.

There's also just a lot here that doesn't make sense, why does 'Josh' let Giles keep his camera in prison, why does he need Giles' permission to take his form, also just that entire conversation is unintentionally hillarious, and the way that 'Josh' just lets him leave/?!??!!!


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