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Review of Flip-Flop by deltaandthebannermen

20 December 2024

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Black or White or Black or White or Black

This was an awful lot more mind-bending and timey wimey than I remember from the first time round! I actually contemplated listening to it again to understand it properly!

Flip Flop is what Big Finish do really well - playing with the format. The TV series can go so far, but is limited to some extent by the need to cater for a wide, general audience. Because of the way Big Finish is released/listened to, they can do stuff like Flip Flop where it doesn't matter which CD you listen to first because either way round you have a complete story. Jonathan Morris must have had one heck of a flow chart to keep track of this plot!

It is immensely enjoyable, though, and Sylvester and Bonnie are on top form. The Slithergees are a genius creation - malevolently obsequious and the epitomy of slug-like.

The Christmas elements are slim with the main thing being that the story is set at Christmas.

It is also has the most horrific scene ever commited to audio - two characters getting it on. The music is a bit odd as well as it sounds an awful lot like late night telly guilty pleasure 'Cheaters'!

A bold and successful experiment.


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