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Review of First Rule by JayPea

4 December 2024

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The artists just didn't communicate about what the Time War Wall was meant to look like apparently. It's not a big thing, but it's an inconsistency on something that's meant to be a big part of this story.

That said, I'm not complaining about the art here at all, there's some horrific imagery in there that I love.

It's just a shame the story is oh so very 'meh' again.

I enjoy the idea of looking at the time war, I like War showing up at the end, I like the idea that Eleven set up Abslom to be Alice's bodyguard in the time war... But again I don't think that that's how Eleven would go about all of this, I don't think he'd be mean to her to get her to do what he's planning, I think he'd just ask, and honestly I'm cheering Abslom on as he beats him up this issue.

More hints at the child, Alice's flashes, The Then And The Now, but I honestly just kinda don't really care at this point. Lets hope the final volume of year two brings me back.


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