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Review of Firelight by WhoPotterVian

6 July 2024

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This is the first of two Doctor Who comic strips by the legendary comic book writer Dan Scott, and it does not disappoint. Firelight concerns Martha recalling a tall tale to the Pyromeths, and you can really tell that Dan Slott is a fan of the show.

The comic story is like one big love letter to Doctor Who, featuring connections to stories like Pyramids Of Mars and The Christmas Invasion. The realm of the dead section, in particular, is an epic read, featuring every Doctor Who monster you could dream of. Everybody from The Web Of Fear's Yeti to the Draconians is present, and the werewolf from Tooth And Claw even features prominently in the third act, taking the Doctor to the Empress Of The Racnoss.

The conclusion is also very clever, and feels like typical Doctor Who. Martha uses underhand tactics to trick the Pyromeths, who think the Tenth Doctor is a fictional character in-universe, and it's an extremely satisfying end.


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