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Review of Fear Her by 15thDoctor

25 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is the only story of the new series so far that I would describe as a complete mess. Pacing wise it’s all over the place. The first half all has the rhythm and feel of the opening 5 minutes of a TV show - it never gets going. The second half feels like it’s in a constant state of concluding. It is overly simplistic and surface level with leaps of logic and coincidences throughout - stretching believability even for the under-10s.

For Fear Her to work it would need to be shot and edited to be scarier, to be more like a horror movie. Murray Gold’s kooky sitcom score makes no sense for this story and frames it in an unhelpful way - a rare fail for him. We’re being indicated as an audience that something funny is on screen, but there is nothing to laugh at.

The one saving grace of this outing is the chemistry between David Tennant and Billie Piper. The latter half of this series has really seen their bond as actors flourish. It somewhat takes the curse off of the poor performances from the rest of the cast - primarily the child actor behind Chloe Webber and the woman playing her mum.

The ending is among the shows worst, including the forced foreshadowing. It’s among the worst productions, but luckily avoids the title of “worst” by at least 3 other stories from the first 26 years of the show.


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