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Review of Father’s Day by RandomJoke

15 March 2025

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Pretty much NuWho’s Aztecs.

And while I don’t love it as much as I do the Aztecs Serial, there is a lot of good here, and it’s easily one of the very finest Things we got in Series 1. Eccelston Acting here is easily one of his finest Performance in the Character, but Piper is probably the Scene stealer here. Whereas Dalek is very much Eccelston Time to shine, this one is for Piper.

The whole Story about Rose and her Farther Pete is excellent to watch. I am a huge Fan of Paradox Stories and while it didn’t go into the direction, I would have expected at the first time. I overall enjoy it a lot. Furthermore, I was a bit disappointed about this alien that came to play here (and overall the Design aged quite poorly, sadly) I do like the Idea behind it, but wish we got maybe something more abstract. But still, Cornell shows why he is a splendid Writer, and it’s quite a shame he didn’t get to write more for NuWho. Still one of the very best of Series 1.


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