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Review of Father’s Day by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Bloody hell. What an emotional gut punch this one is. A cautionary tale of the dangers of time travel when you start to meddle in your family’s own history. The fact that The Doctor would even take Rose to the scene of her father’s death shows how alien and envelope pushing Eccleston’s Doctor is. He will drive the show forward in freaky and spooky ways.

As well as this episode seeing the impacts of time travel going wrong pushed further than at most points in the show’s history, it’s a new kind of sci-fi for Doctor Who. It’s more in the mold of The Twilight Zone, where the writer works with a clever concept and then looks at its emotional consequences for our cast.

Rose is given a rich mythology, a sad past with her father which bonds us to her. She gets an uncomfortable insight into her parent’s less than perfect marriage and has to square the past she thought she knew with the past as it really was. Incidentally one of the treats for this story is seeing Jackie Tyler as an equally mouthy and confrontational younger self initially laying into modern day Rose.

And The Doctor dies! He actually dies! In the 1980s! How mad is that? Before Pete Tyler realises what has happened and makes the ultimate sacrifice. Pete is given the chance to save the day and be the hero. There is so much beauty and heart in that.


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