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Review of Father of the Daleks by TommyTummy

1 March 2025

This is such an interesting perspective on Davros and his relationship to the Daleks. To think of him as a father gives him and The Daleks so much more depth. Not only that, but it also changes how I see The Doctor's role in all this. He says in the story that he can always defeat the Daleks, he can beat them every time, but only Davros can change them. The failure of the Daleks doesn't just come from their design, but also from their father not wanting to change his children. This story paints Davros as a lonely character, just like the show does with The Doctor, except Davros is lonely because he is the last Kaled, and he soothes his loneliness by being with his children. There's so much thought that this story invokes and I would give it a 5/5, it's just that such a big revolutionary idea shouldn't be limited to a short story.


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