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Review of Fast Times by WhoTheoryYT

29 January 2025

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Hearing 13's theme again gave me chills. That was a great start, I wasn't too sure about it at first but as it got into it there were a lot of things I really liked. The idea of fugitive coming across the Daleks for the first time was a really cool idea, and I loved the way they dealt with the Daleks knowing her but her not knowing the Daleks (I thought quite similar to Genesis but with the roles reversed), something you can only really do with a pre-hartnell doctor like this. I also thought scenes like the one where she used the New Mexico nuclear test to nuke the Daleks were also really interesting ideas, this one specifically being one I'm surprised hasn't been used in Doctor Who in some way before (to my knowledge), which as well as being cool, new ideas, show the differences, and more violent nature of this Doctor than those we're more familiar with. The overarching plot of Fugitive being, well, a fugitive is also seeming quite interesting to me so far, and I thought the way that she evaded Cosmagon at the end through the protection of those she'd helped in the episode was a nice touch, and really shows that even though she's a very different Doctor, she still can't help but help people, and is, in the end, the same person. The only real issue I had with it was that I felt the start was a bit too slow, and it jumped around with the prison stuff a bit too much before getting into the main plot, other than that though I thought this was a great start for the Fugitive Doctor's solo stuff, and, assuming all of BF's thirteen era stuff is like this, I am very excited!


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