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Review of Fall to Earth by koquillicsoothsayer

24 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

One of those brilliant bottle conceits this franchise seems to dispense at a record rate, Fall to Earth is a thriller with a capital T. Mind, it's inevitable that the comedy emergent from calling an insurance agency will be slightly twee - and was, admittedly, slightly too self-congratulatory to elicit much from me - but this story uses the very same subject matter to make up for it in spades. The welcoming demeanour of the given agent, a persistent politeness upheld here by Zahra's brilliant performance as Zeynep, coincides with an informative, almost blunt vernacular. Zeynep encourages Ianto to open up through that ever-polite, concise and slightly coercive language; what would otherwise be a means to convince him to buy (which he has to do, repeatedly, to stay alive) results in him pouring his heart out, insofar that such is left in the series to his dying breaths. This does wonders for the tension when, later, Ianto becomes suspicious only toward the conclusion, a very earnest tension of perhaps having said too much. Whilst I slightly preferred The Conspiracy as I listen to the monthly range in-order, Fall to Earth solidifies itself as a must-listen among the calibre of bottle stories.


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