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Review of Endgame by JayPea

8 November 2024

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And then there's the finalie

An appropriate wrap up for a celebration of Doctor Who like this, and one that wraps up threads from earlier stories well.

The Autons from Facades come back and are now used as an attack force to take down the Eleven Doctors, making up a little for their mostly just fanservicey appearance in that story. And then serving as an army to get taken down by every doctor and every companion all at once, it's like the scene at the end of Journey's End on steriods

And then the person that saves the day, stopping the companions from getting blown up, and subsequently freeing them too is Frobisher. Not only a companion, but a companion that represents Doctor Who's Comics which is perfect for this.

Adam's change of heart is a little sudden given how on board he was for killing the doctors companions, fully aware of the ramifications it could have on time, but I do guess destroying the universe is a bit much, and I like Nine being the last one to give him the pep talk he needs to do it, and he finally understands what being a companion means at the end.


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