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Review of Empire of Death by RandomJoke

10 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Yeah, this just wasn’t for me. I must confess I am unsure how exactly to feel about this Series even in Stories/Episodes like these there were plenty of aspects I enjoyed, this one? I am not really sure.

Gabriel Woolf still gives a stellar Performance. And Bonnie, my god, probably the standout performance?
And now to the rest of it: While I can enjoy corny, I feel this way a bit too corny for my taste, the whole pointing and naming her ruby felt a bit dumb to me and overall there were plenty of Moments that left me cold. At points, it felt rather directionless and while normally I am always having a bit of issues with RTD Finales (except for his first) they never feel directionless as this one kinda did. Looking back, this second Part certainly doesn’t help how I view Legend, which tended to have way too much set up in it.

And Sutekh, yeah I don’t know I had my expectations low with him, I love Pyramids and I think you can hardly top or match that, all I expected was a good resolution and I sadly didn’t got one. The way he got defeated left a lot to be desired. I will say I enjoyed the last bit a lot more, even if it went a bit corny at the start, for what it’s worth it did its job really well. And yes classic who references!!! AND TELOS MENTION!!


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