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Review of Eclipse by Seagullslost

17 December 2024

The second story in the Charlotte Pollard The Further Adventuress series.

First thing is that part one is 20 minutes long, and with the second at 28 minutes, this quite a short outing.

It starts off already in motion as The Doctor and Charley are on the run from a swarm of moths. Its some sort of colony on a planet and the humans are still adjusting to the native lifeforms.

30 minutes in and the plot is still a bit thin, it has that first episode of a four parter feel where you're still getting to know the new setting. But with most of the story done, your kind of wondering if there is any real substance to it. There is, but all at the end.

Its not that original, starts great with Charley finding refuge and losing the Doctor. There are some teasers for whats to come, yet the depth isn’t there. I do think that this could have been expanded on and had potential for a much better audio.


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