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Review of Dot and Bubble by greenLetterT

2 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I think RTD has finally learnt what racism is


Dot and Bubble left a few unanswered questions: what happened to Homeworld? What's the deal with the slugs? What's the deal with the Dot?, but I'm almost prepared to argue that was the point. Lindy Pepper-Bean is an almost Sally Sparrow like character, she's under attack from creatures she can't begin to understand, and she has to learn to trust the Doctor and Ruby through the screen as they help her survive and figure out what's going on.

Except, it doesn't go like that. Lindy doesn't trust the Doctor, because he's Black. She lets another character die because she believes she deserves to live more than him. She and the rest of her young, rich, white-supremacist society go to  try colonise the planet they're on in a move that will almost certainly lead to death.

It's almost a deconstruction of how we expect this kind of Doctor Who episode to go, and fascinating because of it. I just really wish there were any Black people on the writing team


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