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Review of Dot and Bubble by Bongo50

1 June 2024

On the whole, I enjoyed this one. The social commentary aspects are evident from the start and I think this commentary is done well. However, it doesn’t feel tacked on or an afterthought like commentary in some episodes does: it is woven into the plot very well. The plot itself feels pretty tight and well paced (although I felt there were a few minor plot issues and I would have liked it if a few more things were explained in a bit more detail). The atmosphere of the episode is excellent and the sets and special effects work very well. You can really tell that there is Disney money in this season. The main character is mostly likeable (if a bit annoying) right until she isn’t which works perfectly. I don’t know what Russell was doing with episodes 1 and 2, but he’s nailing it now and I hope that continues.


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