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Review of Doctor Who (The TV Movie) by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This could have been a disaster. The show had been away for six years after reaching a particularly low ebb in UK public consciousness. It was being brought back via a BBC/ Fox co-production that had to chop the classic show into some kind of acceptable shape for a mostly uninitiated American audience. Doctor Who had to change but it wasn’t clear what should stay and what should go. Was this a show that even made sense in the 1990s?

If this 85 minute show was split into four episodes, part one would be rock solid. Perfect for anyone with some awareness of Doctor Who and regeneration. Some fans have said having two versions of the same main character in this production is confusing for newcomers - but honestly, I disagree. McCoy didn’t *need* to be in the story but the plot surrounding his death, and how it introduces The Doctor to his new friends is terrifically handled (and for fans, it ties the eras together). I understand though that it gives us only an hour with the newly introduced 8th Doctor, with every second being precious they don’t use all of Paul McGann’s time wisely.

As is often the way with the mid tier episodes of Doctor Who, it devolves into a runaround with a rushed conclusion - but the characters and the journey make this all worth it. McGann is a strong Doctor, even if he is hampered with the cliched pompous old boy look and dialogue - his performance shines through this. The violent gangs, opera visiting Doctors (love Grace’s dress SO MUCH) and enthusiastic morgue staff make you feel like the Doctor’s world is significantly bigger than before this story.

I've always been very hard on Eric Roberts' portrayal as The Master as it varies wildly in tone throughout the story. He can't decide whether he wants to be brooding and sinister or bubbly and camp. He seems to forget what he is doing as he goes through the shoot and the acting consistently leaves something to be desired. This time through though I did not mind the portrayal as much. To be honest, he is probably better than Ainsley.

The TV Movie is also a nice oddity right? Totally different from any other era of the show. What would Doctor Who be like had it been made in the 1990s in Toronto with a schlocky US focus? Well now we know!

Thank God the team at Big Finish did such a good job of doing this Doctor justice in the years to follow, making him into a fully fleshed out, nuanced Doctor.


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