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14 November 2024
This review contains spoilers!
The Fourteenth Doctor #06
'The Giggle' (2023) from Target Books.
A decent read, and I definitely applaud the unique format of it, with it being primarily from The Toymaker's point-of-view, including puzzles, and a choose-your-own-adventure segment. I just don't think I'm particularly over-the-moon with the story itself for a novelisation to be able to elevate it much higher and it's all a bit nauseating after a while. I appreciate how this adapts the material however and it gives me great hope for the adaptations of the Douglas Adams stories which are helmed by the same writer.
Glad to have concluded the short-lived run of the Fourteenth Doctor in prose. He's an interesting Doctor, but one that I feel is rather undercooked and I don't necessarily agree with all of the parameters of his happy ending but hey ho. Back onto Fifteen.
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