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Review of Doctor Who: The Giggle by Schroedingerswhat

16 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

First of all I liked this novelization a lot. I already liked the episode this is based on and the novelization was even better in my opinion.

What made it better? The unique style/formatting. I have always enjoyed books that break the mold in the way it tells a story, and this is no different. In the first few chapters the book reads just like any old novelization, and then there was the sudden switch in style. A small minigame instead of a normal chapter. And then it goes on normally like until two chapters later there is a sentence that kind of falls out of the mold then continuing on as usual. Then another minigame. Then an emoji, a first hint to who the narrator is, and then the reveal. The Toymaker has been telling the whole story himself, turning it into a story and minigame combination that has been delightful to read, at one point even turning into a choose your own adventure book, that can even take you back to that one weird statement in earlier chapters, which makes the first statement make sense.

Now one might ask, there is that song in the episode, how did they solve that? Well, they put in a copyright lawyer to stop the toymaker from using it in this retelling of the story. 

One thing I really liked was getting some more input into the thought processes of some of the characters, and learning more about the last scene of the episode was also a lot of fun.

All in all a very enjoyable novelization of an already great episode.


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