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Review of Doctor Who: Kerblam! by WhoPotterVian

1 July 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Pete McTighe's novelization of his Doctor Who episode Kerblam is much stronger than the TV version. It dives in deeper into Judy's backstory and her motivations; we learn about how robots made her Dad redundant, and how she saw her Dad be arrested in the riots led by humans against their robot replacements.

There's also a lovely cameo from the Seventh Doctor and Ace, who inspire young Judy to take over Kerblam, and prioritise the people over the machines. It ends with Judy hiring considerably more human workers, and having the robots packing the boxes whilst the humans supervise, which I think fixes some people's issues with Kerblam. It places the focus more squarely on people power triumphing over automated machines.


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