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Review of Doctor Who In Wonderland by DanDunn

12 February 2025

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It's surprising just how long it took for someone to actually go for this idea, I mean there's certainly been Doctor Who stories that have that Alice in Wonderland madness to it like The Mind Robber, but to actually have that crossover event with the famous Lewis Carroll novel, you'd think this would've been something they got to sooner. In the Black Guardian's latest scheme to have Turlough kill the Doctor (as I've always said in the Black Guardian trilogy, why can't he just kill the Doctor in the here and now? Cos he's a very inept Guardian that's why), he causes an accident on the TARDIS console that brings them to 19th century Oxford where what starts out as an ordinary tea party spirals into a world of madness as the characters from Alice in Wonderland come to life.

This absolutely delivers on its premise of mixing Doctor Who with Alice in Wonderland, splitting up our main characters allows them to explore more of Wonderland and brings in all your old favourites, the Cheshire Cat, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter and of course the White Rabbit who seems to have more to him than what he appears as is the Queen of Hearts who's all in black and has a keen eye on the Doctor's head. But the story also incorporates some of the real world aspects of Alice in Wonderland such as the creator himself under his real name and even brings in the woman modelled on Alice. In a lot of ways it's a love letter to everything that makes Alice in Wonderland a favourite among so many people. One thing I would've liked was characters from Carroll's other written works, we of course get the ones we all recognise from Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass but it would've been neat to have had some nods and appearances from other stories written by Lewis Carroll such as Sylvie & Bruno, especially considering how it's one of the earliest literary references to time travel.

Absolutely a fun read.


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