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Review of Doctor Who and the Visitation by RandomJoke

7 March 2025

As far as the Target Novels goes, this one of the weakest. I will admit the Purpose of past Target Novels at that Time was more to retell a Story, that you maybe missed the Broadcast of or wanted to experience it again, and when we judge it at that, it does its Job fairly well.

That said, while reading it I couldn't stop the Feeling of "Why I am reading this instead of just watching the TV Episodes?" It sadly does not add much Substance on its own, which is one of the Things that I look most forward in this range.

That said, if you wanna for some Reason experience this great underrated TV Story again, but don't want to watch it again, you might as well-read this! For anybody else who is looking for a New Version of the Story or a Version with more added details, this is sadly not for you.

It's still the Visitation, which is a great Story, and as I said in the Past, the Target Novels had a much different Purpose, so I don't wanna be too harsh on this one.


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