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Review of Doctor Who and the Iron Legion by 15thDoctor

16 November 2024

This review contains spoilers!

We got so lucky. At children’s magazine at this time could have afforded to aim for a far less mature approach. They are treating their audience with a lot of respect, not speaking down to children, instead filling their heads with ideas. Not just in the writing but the art style, which is at points chilling and psychedelic. How would a child of the 70s reacted to the sight of Tom Baker’s skeleton face?

While this story is a bit of a run around at points, the idea of a futuristic Roman legion in an alternate reality is a very elevated idea which is successfully explored. It points to a very promising run for the DWM comics. It also shows how much of a field of their own Pat Mills, John Wagner and Dave Gibbons are in. They are drawing from the TV show but in no means being limited by it.

The amount they are able to do with only 4-5 pages per issue is phenomenal. Setting the mould for everything that follows.

Oh. And now I know where the kronkburger originates from!


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