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Review of “Death to the Daleks!” by twelvesoswald

25 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

"Hey Nick, how many characters do you wanna play in this episode?"


Soooo I really couldn't care about the Alby subplot in this, again I felt like if the episode was cut down to an hour or slightly less it would've made more of an impact.

I find the jumping between time periods to be a bit, unclear and slightly extreme in this series. Also, there were moments with Alby and Mirana where the audio was really frustrating to focus on it almost hurt my ears.

The ending was, well, not impactful given we know she survives through the narrated parts of her older self. I was gonna say regardless of the ending though, that having this narrated older self part really takes a certain degree of suspense away as we know she'll make it out alive.


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