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Review of “Death to the Daleks!” by JayPea

22 February 2025

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Unfortunately after having really enjoyed the previous two stories, this one started to lose me a little.

I don't think there was enough emphasis put on the time-skip, it almost seems to get glossed over a little, especially as it doesn't really seem to affect our main character (Susan)'s situation all that much, the world changes around here, but it doesn't seem that she's really changed all that much since the previous story to reflect that.

The setup of project infinity, whatever it may be, discovering that Karlendorf is involved in it, and just generally where Alby is in this story on the other hand are a lot more interesting, but it's got the opposite problem to the Suz side of things, I think it almost expects you to take for granted the jump in situation for him.

There's a lot I do like in here, like I said, generally Alby's story is great, the conversations between Karlendorf and Susan about whether they've done too much and who's going to do the last bit, the bits of exploration we get as to what a dalek controlled universe looks like for people who aren't daleks or slaves, but generally I think this installment becomes a little hard to follow, and it doesn't feel it needs to be as long as it is.

Also, especially once again ending with the seeming death of one of our main characters, this feels a little like a repeat of The Human Factor.

It's not bad, but I feel it could've been better.


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