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Review of Death of the Doctor by InterstellarCas

27 March 2025

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This has got to be my favorite episode so far. The monster design of the Shansheeth is totally brilliant, I love the vulture look and the practical puppets. Also, David Bradley voicing the main one? A pleasant and welcome surprise. And it should be known I am a sucker for the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith just plays wonderfully here. The childish aspects of his character work really well with actual young people. And he had some great character moments, like his conversation with Jo. I would be remiss without mentioning Jo Grant (Jones, if I must be pedantic). She’s just an earnest ball of energy and is just so fun to watch. The interactions between her and Sarah Jane were great and very sweet. I loved the talk of other companions and the past adventures. A nice celebration of where the Doctor Who universe was at the time.


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