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Review of Dead Media by 15thDoctor

9 January 2025

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It’s lovely to hear Peter Capaldi’s Doctor in podcast form, and he brings all the grumpiness you’d expect from him. His characteristic blend of harshness and empathy is on full display, and the way he vacillates between the two is particularly touching, especially towards the end of the story.

That said, some elements of this tale felt better handled in the Christmas anthology story Loose Wire, while others were more effectively explored in Torchwood: Tropical Beach Sounds. It’s interesting how ideas from this story have appeared in other places at other times. That’s not a criticism, though—Doctor Who frequently revisits sci-fi concepts, so it’s not surprising to see overlap.

Overall, this is a very atmospheric and enjoyable take on familiar ideas. While it’s not groundbreaking, it’s still a worthwhile listen, even if there are stronger examples of similar themes elsewhere.


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