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Review of Daughter of the Gods by joeymapes21

21 February 2025

Phenomenal. Truly wonderful balance of character, really fleshing out Katarina, balanced perfectly with action in a well paced plot.

The First and Second Doctor's dynamic and interactions are fantastic - truly utilising a multi-Doctor interaction without resorting to old tropes and used gimmicks, which really builds to the experience. Peter Purves and Frazer Hines do a great job playing their respective companions and Doctor's and should be commended for the job that they do, which helps enhance the multi-Doctor experience too.

The plot as alluded to, is fantastic. Some timey wimey aspects, with high stakes - there is not a dull moment, in the story telling created in this story. The Daleks are utilised fantastically, and they felt a real threat again, something which is so often lacking in Dalek stories.

And the star here, is the attention given to Katarina - Ajjaz Awad gives a great performance in developing an under served companion. In the show, her potential to grow is evident from her short screen time, and how she was shown to learn and develop here, delivers on the opportunity she never received on TV. It makes The Daleks' Master Plan even more tragic, as we see how well she interacts with the Doctor and Steven.


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